It is 8 sentence Sunday. Writers submit 8sentence snippets or poems each week. You can see more here, at Weekend Writing Warriors.
My offering for this week:
Some days as I reflect, I am filled with hope. Our waves, in life: challenges, love, tears, nerves, and so forth, roll through, but in the end, I really feel like I am in a better place than before. And of course, I have a ways to go. My path has brought me here, to hope and joy. Today.
This one is Untitled. Hope you like it.
Getting clean and true,
Helps me see things a new way.
Wonders are revealed,
Nature sings with life,
Instead of being a washed out backdrop.
Oh, the joy of a vibrant yellow and orange sunrise,
The day crackling with promise.
Or the brilliant moon,
Etched in a deep blue sky.
The morning dew dancing happily on the foliage,
The cheerful song of the wren trills over and over, without end.
Living clean and true washes my soul,
To reflect out.
We stoop under the weight of mistakes, regrets, worries and fear,
Shame our vision clouds.
Mercy finds us through naked disclosure.
I see now more clearly,
Pause and drink in the moment,