Friday, September 13, 2013

Thoughts for a Friday

It's a glorious warm fall day here. And Friday as well! The word of the day is "Flow".


This is new
This lightness
Going with the grain
It's airy here
The yoke has been lifted
No longer clenched,
Nor closed and poised to defend. 
My head sets just a little higher
I look out a little straighter 
All I did
Was ask
And be ready and open 
It is true joy
To not be so afraid 
To be

Here's a great site -Weekend Writing Warriors.


  1. Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors! We're glad to have you.

    A lot of emotions running these words, Roberta. You've chosen wonderful words to create imagery!

    Nice poem--I could feel the transformation. :-)

  2. Wow, Roberta, what powerful words and so beautifully put together. I want to claim this as my own this week--I'll be back to read it again and again. Thank you.

  3. Quite a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it with us...

  4. I like it! Sometimes all we have to do is ask...

  5. You completely captured how I felt to step out of my 9 to 5 and to write. Thanks, Roberta for giving words, ones of gratitude, for emotions unspoken.

  6. very uplifting and you can sense the freedom she feels now.well, I made the person a she sense I internalized the words. beautiful

  7. Freedom, for sure, in self actualization.

    Thank you, Michelle.
