Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Mom Has Cancer

It is 8 sentence Sunday. Writers submit 8 sentence snippets or poems each week. You can see more here, at Weekend Writing Warriors.

I have no words to introduce this entry...written in mid-February...

My Mom Has Cancer.
It's sinking in.
I sit
Holding my breath without meaning to,
On nothing.
I don't know
My heart
Is a little bit broken.
I stand and feel my feet on the floor.
Oh dear God, I love her so.


  1. awww Roberta, this is so poignant. It makes me want to wrap my arms around both of you. Pure emotion produces the best poetry.

  2. You capture the feeling of that moment so well (been there, lived through that). A lovely poem. Poetry does sooth the heart...

  3. Hugs and prayers for you both. Numb shock conveyed in a way that makes me hold my breath as well.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. That was a beautiful poem and you convey the emotions well.

  5. Like Veronica I have been there and lived through that. You captured the feelings perfectly.

  6. Your words captured the emotions masquerading as numbness. A big hug to you, and to your mom...
